July 23, 2022


Dark Harbour, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick

Dulse is a leathery and flat algae, of a deep rose to reddish purple colour.
Dulse is generally harvested by hand at low tide and then spread out to be dried. With sustainable harvesting, they leave a portion behind to regrow, similar to cutting grass.  Harvest season in this area is June to September. Dulse is fast growing especially in mid summer, and can be picked twice a month during the full and new moon.

Dulse is an excellent dietary supplement. One handful provides 100% of the recommended B6, 66% of B12, and high in Floride, Iron, Vit A and C, magnesium and Potassium. It is actual relatively low in sodium!

Grand Manan Dulse is known to be the best Dulse in the world! Thoughts are that the 6 metre high cliffs at Dark Harbour creates a shadow to reduce sunlight and results in darker, thicker and more flavourful Dulse.

It can be eaten as is or mixed into recipes as flakes or a powder.
Try eating Dulse like potato chips in front of the hockey game!
It can also be added to soups.  When pan fried, the smoky flavour can be a reminder of bacon.
Dulse can be roasted in the oven for a crispier and milder flavour.
Add to smoothies, salads, sandwiches, on top of scrambled eggs or popcorn.
Endless uses!

Add Dulse to your sandwich for the best DLT.  Dulse, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich!

In Saint Andrews by-the-sea, we find Dulse at the Spice Box and the local grocery store.

On board the Tall Ship Jolly Breeze, guests can try a piece of Dulse, although admittedly, it can be considered an acquired taste and some gets spit out overboard!


1 medium potato
25 g butter
0.5 – 1 tsp lemon juice
Salt and Pepper
750 ml (1.25 pint) milk
25 Grams Dulse (chopped and soaked in water 5-10 minutes).

Need : 25g Dulse
50g raisins
175g white cabbage (shredded)
1 medium carrot (grated)
2 shallots (finely chopped)
Dressing : 4 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp apple juice
Salt and Pepper
Soak dulse for 5 – 10 mins in a bowl of water.
Put raisins in a small bowl with warm water for 5 mins, to allow to plump.
Put shredded cabbage, grated carrot and finely chopped shallots into a large mixing bowl.
Drain raisins and add to bowl.
Drain dulse, chop and also add to bowl.
In a small bowl mix the dressing ingredients together and then pour over and coat the salad thoroughly.
Season and mix again and serve.

Cumin Roasted Cauliflower with Dulse (serves 4-6)1 head of cauliflower, trimmed and cut into 2 inch florets
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 cup  (pressed together) dried dulse sea vegetable
2 tablespoons chopped green onions
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  In a large bowl toss the cauliflower with olive oil.  Add sea salt and cumin and mix well.
rrange cauliflower on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast for 20 minutes, stirring twice during cooking time.
While cauliflower is roasting, run dulse under cold water while holding the leaves in your hands.  When all is moistened, turn water off and squeeze out excess moisture.  Chop dulse fine on a cutting board.
Remove cauliflower from oven, place in a serving bowl, sprinkle with chopped dulse and toss.  Top with chopped green onions and serve while  hot. Unbelievably good!   Joanne Carney